Let Me Plan Your Night Photography Shot!
Perfectly capture that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
March 8, 2024 is the cutoff date for April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse plans!
Multi-Day, Multi-Plan Packages Available Below!
The May, 2012 Supermoon sets behind Mt. Whitney, the tallest mountain in the continental United States (left); simulated view from the Trophy Night Photography Plan (right).
The Original Night Photography Planning Service
Got an epic idea for a night photography project that just HAS to be perfect?
The full moon rising from behind a beloved landmark
The timeless Milky Way arching over an ancient Bronze Age stone circle
The twinkling stars of Orion guarding a pristine wilderness lake deep inside a national park
The kaleidoscopic Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud complex emerging from behind a remote, alpine mountain peak
Whatever the case may be, you know you don’t want to leave anything to chance - especially after working so hard to spend the time, money, and effort to get yourself and your camera to your chosen destination.
Your Night Photography Plan
Your solution is at hand! Put my decades of photography experience to work on your behalf and allow me to create your custom Night Photography Plan.
Initially conceived for my first book, “The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography,” my Night Photography Plan planning service is now directly available to you for a unique, custom-designed experience.
Your custom Night Photography Plan gives you everything you need to be at the right place and the right time with the right lens and camera settings to get your shot right the first time.
There is Nothing Else Like it on the Market!
Your custom Night Photography Plan includes:
Simulated view of the actual image you will capture
Created by the powerful Planit Pro: Photo Planner app
Based on the specific, local terrain of your chosen shooting location
Integrates all the elements of your plan: lens focal length, date, time & camera orientation
Best shooting date for your project
Time to start shooting, and the expected shooting duration
A satellite map and a road map showing the camera location, the camera field-of-view, and your foreground subject & location.
Precise camera location (clickable GPS coordinates included for navigation)
Instructions for where to aim your camera
Lens focal length (in mm) to best capture your chosen night sky subject
Best camera settings (ISO, f-stop/aperture & shutter speed) for YOUR unique combination of lens focal length, specific night sky subject, and shooting location.
Helpful night photography tips, including focusing & composing in the dark
Night photography best practices and ways you can help protect our dark night skies
Essential night photography gear suggestions
Two Custom Night Photography Plans Now Available for Purchase for the First Time
You have two options: the Trophy Night Photography Plan for $99/€93 or the Expert Night Photography Plan for $149/€139. Multi-day, multi-plan packages are also available and described below.
The Trophy Night Photography Plan includes all the information listed above.
The Expert Night Photography Plan includes everything in the Trophy Night Photography Plan PLUS:
Two alternate dates/times (if possible), with separate simulated images (three total)
Digital plan you can open and use with the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app
A FREE bonus plan with the same shooting location, date & time for your choice of:
A time-lapse
Star trails image
Moon sequence (if possible)
My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee covers both my Night Photography Plans. If you’re not happy, I don’t expect you to pay. You can request either a full refund with no questions asked or a second plan at no extra charge.
Night Photography Plan Feature Comparison
Order Your Custom Night Photography Plan Below!
Order your custom Trophy Night Photography Package Night Shooting Plan here!
Your Trophy Night Photography Package Night Shooting Plan includes:
A simulation of your photograph from the powerful Planit Pro: Photo Planner app made with the recommended focal length lens, including depictions of your night sky subject and foreground composition
The recommended date & time for your shot
The GPS coordinates of your exact tripod location
Aerial satellite & road maps of the shooting location vicinity
The best lens focal length for the combination of your composition of night sky subject & foreground
Where to aim your camera - azimuth (compass direction) and altitude (angle towards the sky)
Camera exposure settings (ISO, aperture/f-stop, shutter speed)
Helpful night photography tips, including focusing & composing in the dark
Key night photography gear suggestions
You will receive your Trophy Night Photography Plan via email within ten business days of your order date.
And if you’re not happy, I don’t expect you to pay. You can request either a full refund with no questions asked, or a second plan at no extra charge.
Take your night photography to the next level with your custom Expert Night Photography Plan here!
Your Expert Night Photography Package Night Shooting Plan includes:
A simulation of your photograph from the powerful Planit Pro: Photo Planner app made with the recommended focal length lens, including depictions of your night sky subject and foreground composition
The recommended date & time for your shot
The GPS coordinates of your exact tripod location
Aerial satellite & road maps of the shooting location vicinity
The best lens focal length for the combination of your composition of night sky subject & foreground
Where to aim your camera - azimuth (compass direction) and altitude (angle towards the sky)
Camera exposure settings (ISO, aperture/f-stop, shutter speed)
Two alternate dates & times (if possible)
Free bonus of your choice of the following with the same camera location, date & time:
A time-lapse plan
A panorama plan
A star trails plan
A moon sequence plan
Digital plan for your project you can use with the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app, via email
Helpful night photography tips, including focusing & composing in the dark
Key night photography gear suggestions
You will receive your Expert Night Photography Plan via email within ten business days of your order date.
And if you’re not happy, I don’t expect you to pay. You can request either a full refund with no questions asked, or a second plan at no extra charge.
Let Me Plan Your Whole Trip!
Are you heading out on a weekend getaway? Or perhaps a longer, multi-day expedition?
Let me plan your entire trip and save with the Weekend Getaway Night Photography Plan Package or the Expedition Night Photography Plan Package.
The Weekend Getaway Night Photography Plan Package ($599/€559) includes two Trophy Night Photography Plans and three Expert Night Photography Plans. You select the two dates, up to five night sky subjects and up to five foregrounds.
The Expedition Night Photography Plan Package ($1099/€1028) includes five Trophy Night Photography Plans and five Expert Night Photography Plans. You can choose from up to ten dates, ten night sky subjects and ten foregrounds!
Order Your Multi-Day, Multi-Plan Package Below
Order your Weekend Getaway Night Photography Package here!
Let me plan your weekend getaway with FIVE plans over two dates. Your Weekend Getaway Package includes:
Two Trophy Night Photography Plans
Three Expert Night Photography Plans
You will receive all five Night Photography Plans via email within ten business days of your order date.
And if you’re not happy, I don’t expect you to pay. You can request either a full refund with no questions asked, or up to five replacement plans at no extra charge.
Order your Expedition Night Photography Plan Package here!
Let me plan your entire trip! Choose TEN separate plans over up to ten dates dates. Your Weekender Package includes:
Five Trophy Night Photography Plans
Five Expert Night Photography Plans
You will receive all ten Night Photography Plans via email within fourteen business days of your order date.
And if you’re not happy, I don’t expect you to pay. You can request either a full refund with no questions asked, or up to ten replacement plans at no extra charge.
You Name It and I’ll Plan It!
Trophy Night Photography Plan Example: Milky Way Over Mt. Ritter
Example excerpt from a Trophy Night Photography Plan.
Here’s How It Works
Example “Custom Night Shooting Plan Basic Information” form you will fill out to share your vision for your night photography masterpiece!
1) Choose the Night Photography Plan you wish to purchase below and click on the “ADD TO CART” button for your selection.
2) A “Custom Night Shooting Plan Basic Information” form will appear (see example). Here’s where you provide the information needed to create your plan. Please fill out the form as best you can and click on its “ADD TO CART” button.
3) Next, make your payment, and you will receive a confirmation email.
4) Sit back, relax and wait for your Night Shooting Plan to arrive in your email inbox within seven days!
That’s it! If I have any questions or clarifications, I’ll contact you right away. In the meantime, start charging your camera batteries in preparation for your trophy shot!
The Lagoon Nebula peeks over the mountains in Death Valley National Park (left); simulated view from the Trophy Night Photography Plan (right).
Dr. Mike Shaw’s Night Photography Plan Foundations
Did you know? I helped create the integrated video tutorials in the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app in collaboration with its developers. You can access them simply by tapping on the “?” symbol in the lower-left corner of the Planit Pro app home screen. You can also preview a few of them HERE. Do you recognize my voice?
Coupled with:
The wealth of astronomy, photography and planning information I’ve shared in my two books, “The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography” & “Creative Nightscapes and Time-Lapses”
Over a decade of experience with The Photographer’s Ephemeris, PhotoPills, Planit Pro: Photo Planner
A lifetime spent exploring the world’s night skies with my camera
My decade-plus experience leading night photography workshops
I can assure you that you are in good hands!
Both the Trophy Night Photography Plan and the Expert Night Photography plan synthesize the following sources of information for THE best opportunity to capture your dream shot:
Moon phase
Moon position above/below the horizon
Night sky seasonality
Nightly sky motion
Night sky object angular dimensions
Night sky object altitude
Civil, nautical & astronomical twilight times
Local latitude
Exposure values (EV) for popular night sky subjects
Local Bortle Scale for the degree of ambient skyglow from human-caused light sources
Shooting direction compared with nearby urban light domes
The constellation Orion rises behind the North Window Arch in Arches National Park (left); simulated view from the Trophy Night Photography Plan (right).
Example Night Sky Subjects You Can Include in Your Plan:
· Milky Way
· Full moon
· Crescent moon
· Constellations / Asterisms; for example, The Big Dipper/Plough, Orion, the Fishhook in Scorpius, the Southern Cross or Perseus
· Meteor showers, for example, the Perseids, Geminids or Leonids
· Planets
· Stars
· Comets (when visible)
· Novae (when visible)
· Deep-sky objects (nebulae, galaxies, open/globular star clusters)
· Lunar eclipse
· Solar eclipse
Make sure you’re at the right place at the right time, with the right camera and lens to get your shot right the first time.
Satellite map showing the shooting location (blue pin) and foreground subject (red pin), along with the camera field of view (green fan), camera orientation (green line at the center of the fan), and Milky Way core azimuth (short green line within green fan). You will receive a similar satellite map with your Expert Night Photography Plan.
Want to Learn How to Do-It-Yourself?
Would you prefer to learn how to use the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app yourself? Click HERE to view dozens of my free video tutorials. They are the identical ones that are used within the app. I created them with the app developers to help simplify learning how to use Planit Pro: Photo Planner.
You can also click HERE to purchase my books, both with detailed instructions for creating your own Night Photography Plan, along with much more.
Zoom with Me!
Click below to schedule a private, 1-on-1 tutoring & strategy session with me on night photography planning with the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app, PhotoPills, The Photographer’s Ephemeris, and other tools. The cost is only $158/€147 for a two-hour session and includes a free, bonus Trophy Night Photography Plan.
I’ll teach you how to create your own Night Photography Plan, including live instructions and demonstrations for using the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app.
I guarantee you’ll be amazed by what you learn!
Get ALL your questions answered with a private, 1-on-1 Night Photography Planning tutoring session.
Confidential, two-hour private tutoring session with Dr. Mike Shaw
Conducted via Zoom
Covers all aspects of photo planning, tips and strategies
Live demonstrations of actual usage of the Planit Pro: Photo Planner app with YOUR compositions as the goals
Ask me anything!
At the end of the session you’ll receive a free, bonus Trophy Night Photography Plan