Death Valley Night and Day Landscapes Photo Workshop

Death Valley National Park, California

March 26 - 30, 2025

Meet & Greet 6 - 7 pm, Wednesday, March 26 in the lobby of The Ranch at Death Valley Hotel in Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park

Just 1 Spot Remaining!

Death Valley, California, Mike Shaw, astro, night, workshop, class, 2025, sunset

Four Day / Four Night Workshop


8 Participants Max

Death, Valley, photo, workshop, Mike Shaw

Workshop Highlights

Join Mike and a small group of seven other photographers for an unforgettable four-day photography workshop in the breathtaking landscapes of Death Valley National Park, one of the most unique and photogenic locations in the world.

This workshop is designed for photographers of all levels who want to immerse themselves and hone their skills in both daytime landscape and astrophotography.

Death Valley is a land of extremes, boasting the lowest point in North America, surreal salt flats, towering sand dunes, and a sky that comes alive with stars at night. This workshop will take you deep into the heart of this iconic desert, where you’ll learn how to capture the vastness of its landscapes by day and the wonders of the cosmos by night.

Our journey begins with a meet-and-greet session where we’ll discuss the workshop itinerary and get to know each other. Afterward, we’ll dive into landscape and astrophotography fundamentals in our first field session in Death Valley’s unique environment.

In the afternoons, we’ll embark on location scouting expeditions, exploring some of the park’s most famous landmarks, such as the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and Badwater Basin. You’ll learn techniques for framing dramatic compositions and making the most of the harsh desert light. As sunset approaches, we’ll set up to capture the changing hues of the landscape, taking advantage of the golden hour’s soft light.

In the mornings, we’ll rise early to catch the first light of dawn at spots like Zabriskie Point, one of Death Valley’s most iconic locations. Here, you’ll practice capturing the interplay of light and shadow as the sun rises over the badlands, creating a stunning array of colors and textures.

Throughout the day, we’ll explore various locations within the park, focusing on different lighting conditions. You’ll learn how to handle the intense midday sun, using polarizers and ND filters to control exposure and enhance your images. We’ll also cover techniques for capturing intricate details in the landscape, from the delicate patterns in the salt flats to the wind-sculpted curves of the sand dunes.

As the days wind down, we’ll prepare for our nights of astrophotography. We’ll head out to dark-sky locations, where you’ll learn how to photograph the Milky Way, star trails, and other celestial phenomena; and master the camera settings and techniques needed to create stunning night sky images.

Throughout the workshop, we’ll take time for post-processing, an essential part of creating breathtaking images. I’ll guide you through editing techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop, showing you how to enhance your landscape and night sky photos while preserving their natural beauty.

You’ll also receive personalized feedback on your work with one-on-one critique sessions designed to help you refine your technique and develop your unique photographic style.

Finally, we’ll wrap up the workshop with a group discussion and image sharing, reflecting on our experiences and celebrating the stunning images we’ve captured.

This workshop is more than just a learning experience; it’s an opportunity to connect with fellow photographers, explore one of the most extraordinary landscapes on Earth, and push your creative boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer looking to refine your skills or a passionate enthusiast eager to learn, this four-day adventure in Death Valley will leave you inspired and equipped with the knowledge to elevate your photography to new heights.

Dr. Mike Shaw will be your workshop instructor and guide. He is the author of the new book, “The Beginner’s Guide to Astrophotography, (2023)” and, “The Complete Guide to Landscape Astrophotography,” and “Creative Nightscapes and Time-Lapses.” He is also the co-creator of Planit Pro’s video tutorials.

Workshop highlights include:

  • Four mornings, evenings, and nights of epic landscape and nightscape photography in the sand dunes, salt flats, canyons, deserts, and mountains of Death Valley National Park!

  • Expert, personal instruction for creating images that harness your personal style of composition, light and shadow

  • Learn how to photograph the Milky Way, star trails, and other celestial phenomena under the park’s pristine night skies

  • In-depth guidance on optimal camera settings for both landscape and astrophotography

  • Strategies for scouting and choosing the best shooting locations within Death Valley’s diverse terrain

  • Hands-on sessions in editing landscape and night sky images using Lightroom and Photoshop to bring out their full potential

  • Practical tips and techniques for astronomical observing; and photography tips to keep you and your camera safe, warm and functioning at night

Workshop Structure & Itinerary

Daytime and Night Photography Field Sessions:

This workshop has two components: (i) Daytime landscape photography, emphasizing sunrises and sunsets, and (ii) nightscape photography sessions, featuring the Milky Way, star trails, and more.

You should arrive in your own vehicle for transportation throughout the workshop, or carpool with a friend. Be sure to bring winter clothes, winter boots, a winter hat and gloves, and hand warmers (will be provided if needed).

Sunset: 7:05 pm

Dark night: 8:30 pm - 5:10 am

Sunrise: 6:40 am

MEET & GREET / NIGHT ONE - Wednesday, March 26

7 - 8 pm Meet & Greet meeting in the lobby of The Ranch at Death Valley Hotel, in Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park, California. Meet your workshop colleague, review the workshop structure and agenda. Share information about your goals for the workshop and the camera systems you’re using.

8 pm - midnight Drive to a nearby location for your first night of nightscape photography. You will receive personal instruction on how to properly focus your camera in the dark, compose in the dark, and what are the best camera and exposure settings for night photography. You can also explore the effects of different lens focal lengths and lens filters for the best composition and depth of field. You will have the opportunity to capture wide and/or telephoto nightscape images. Tonight, and throughout the workshop, you will have ample time to have all your questions answered in a friendly, supportive environment.

DAY ONE / NIGHT TWO - Thursday, March 27

5 am - 10 am Experience your first Death Valley national park sunrise! Drive to a nearby spot to enjoy the breathtaking sunrise views in Death Valley. Return for breakfast with the group,

10 am - 2 pm Midday break - use this time to download your images, charge your batteries, catch up on sleep, or obtain supplies for the evening’s picnic dinner.

2 pm - midnight Explore Death Valley’s scenery; drive to a new location for sunset followed by another wonderful night of photography. In case of truly inclement weather, we will conduct indoor practice sessions on planning with Stellarium, Planit, PhotoPills and The Photographer’s Ephemeris.

DAY TWO/ NIGHT THREE - Friday, March 28

5 am - 10 am Experience your first Death Valley national park sunrise! Drive to a nearby spot to enjoy the breathtaking sunrise views in Death Valley. Return for breakfast with the group,

10 am - 2 pm Midday break - use this time to download your images, charge your batteries, catch up on sleep, or obtain supplies for the evening’s picnic dinner.

2 pm - 9 pm Explore more of Death Valley’s scenery, then drive to a new location for sunset and another wonderful night of nightscape photography. Tonight, we retire early in anticipation of the following morning’s early start!

DAY THREE / NIGHT FOUR - Saturday, March 29

2 am - 10 am Milky Way shoot! We will rise early to hunt the Milky Way’s finest treasure - the Galactic Core! Also, today’s date is PERFECT for capturing the iconic Milky Way arch with a panoramic set of images. And of course, we’ll finish off with your third Death Valley sunrise!

10 am - 2 pm Midday break.

2 pm - ? pm Explore even more of Death Valley’s amazing scenery, then drive to yet a new location for sunset and another wonderful night of nightscape photography. Again we retire early in anticipation of the following morning’s early start, unless we choose to stay late instead.

DAY FOUR - Sunday, March 30

? am - 9 am Sunrise session (along with a possible early morning Milky Way shoot). We will spend the rest of the morning and afternoon editing images for a group final sharing session. Mike will spend time with you guiding your editing processes and tie up any loose ends regarding techniques. Hard to believe the past four days and nights have passed so quickly!

5:00 pm - Workshop concludes. We pile in our vehicles, head home and sleep!

Learning Environment:

Mike Shaw Photography workshops are known for their in-depth explanations of essential and highly advanced topics in a friendly, supportive environment. If this is your first one, you will likely be pleasantly surprised by the collaborative atmosphere. These are not competitive, goal-driven events; instead, you will have ample opportunity to explore whatever topic(s) you are most interested in, surrounded by enthusiastic, like-minded individuals. The small group size and Mike’s deep knowledge and extensive teaching experience ensure a genuinely unparalleled learning experience with lots of personal attention. Most workshops feature roughly 50% past attendees - for a good reason!


Workshop Accommodations & Venue

Our workshop is based at the Ranch at Death Valley Hotel in Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park (see map below). We have arranged for a block of double queen rooms at a reduced, special rate. You can book your room by clicking the link below.

You are also free to stay at other nearby hotels or campgrounds, although be advised that availability is extremely limited. Please contact us if you require assistance with accommodations.

The Ranch at Death Valley Hotel

Address: CA-190, Death Valley, CA 92328

Phone: (760) 786-2345




Workshop Includes:

  • Four days and nights of professional daytime lanscape and astrophotography guiding and instruction

  • Options to experiment with nightcap and daytime photography specialty accessories - filters, focusing aides, trackers, panorama heads, and more

  • Workshop Guide with a complete gear list and other useful information

Workshop Does Not Include:

  • Hotel accommodations. You can select a room at the workshop hotel from a block reserved for our workshop. Please contact us if you need assistance

  • Transportation to/from your home to the workshop meeting locations

  • Meals, beverages & snacks


Workshop Registration, Payment, and Next Steps

To Register for This Workshop:

  • Click the “BOOK NOW” button above to register and pay for the workshop. You will be asked to provide your name and contact details, along with the option of either a Full Payment or a 50% Deposit Payment.

  • Within 24 hours, you will receive a confirmation email stating that your registration information & payment has been received, and that your spot in the workshop is secure - welcome aboard!

Next Steps:

  • You will receive your Workshop Guide once your Full Payment is received. It has the complete workshop itinerary, venue, gear & software lists, maps, and other important details. Please review it carefully and contact us right away with any questions.

  • Balance Payment - Your Balance Payment is due no later than 90 days before the workshop begins if you made a Deposit Payment during your initial registration. If you initially made a Full Payment then you’re all set!

  • Hotel room - You should make your room reservation at the venue hotel as soon as possible.

  • Airfare / rental vehicle - You will want to make these reservations at your convenience.

  • Practice - Now is a great time to start practicing with your camera, especially in the dark. See “Know Your Camera” in the “How to Prepare” section below.

  • Finally - please contact me right away with any questions. I am here to help!

Cancellation Policy

Recommended Gear

(You will receive a detailed gear list in your Workshop Guide when you register)

Camera Gear - the Essentials:

  • DSLR or mirrorless camera with the ability to manually focus and manual set the exposure (ISO, f-stop & shutter speed)

  • Lens(es). An 18-55 mm kit lens works just fine. Also great are a wide-angle lens (in the 14 - 24 mm range) or a mid-range lens (in the 24 - 70 mm range)

  • Tripod / ballhead - the sturdier the better

  • Attachment plate for your camera/ballhead

  • Star tracker & hardware/power

  • Programmable cable shutter release for long (several minute) exposures. I don’t recommend “wireless” shutter release devices since they often don’t work in the field

  • Headlamp with a red bulb

  • Extra batteries

  • Extra memory cards

  • Lens/sensor cleaning kits

  • Camera & other operating manuals

  • Allen key and other tools for making adjustments

  • Camera/gear backpack

Camera Gear - Nice to Have:

  • Loupe for focusing

  • Tiffen Double Fog 3 lens filter

  • External intervalometer

  • Extra flashlight

Personal Gear:

  • Snacks

  • Water

  • Portable chair - definitely worth its weight!

  • Hand warmers (optional - we will have these available)

  • Sunscreen

  • Sunglasses

  • Insect repellent (you never know!)

  • Laptop for downloading & editing your images during the class sessions

  • Warm clothes in layers

  • Warm boots, hat & gloves

  • Warm jacket & raincoat


How to Prepare

Physical Fitness:

This workshop involves minimal hikes (quarter-mile or less) from our vehicles to the shooting locations. In most cases we will be setting up right next to our vehicles for easy access. Please let us know if you have any concerns at all in this regard.

Know Your Camera:

If you’ve never used a star tracker before, no problem - that’s why you’re taking this workshop! Just bring it along with the owner’s manual and we will get you set up and shooting in no time.

Knowing how to operate your camera before your workshop allows you to enjoy your time in the field creating images. Time spent practicing at home will yield major returns when you’re in the field. For example, you would be able to spend more time on your astrophotography if you already knew how to:

  • Set the ISO, aperture and. shutter speed in manual mode (M)

  • Set your focus mode from autofocus to manual focus, and back again

  • Display the image histogram on the LCD screen

  • Display the image histogram in image review

  • (For DSLR cameras) Enable live view on the LCD screen

  • Magnify the live view shown on the LCD screen

The level of preparation needed is different for everyone, so if there is anything you’re unsure of, please just ask.


A little time at home preparing your gear and electronics will give you peace of mind once you’re in the field and potentially away from reliable internet access.

  • Review the gear list in your Welcome Packet (provided when you register)

  • Clean your camera lenses and sensors

  • Charge your batteries

  • Download and update all the software you expect to use; again, see the Welcome Packet. You definitely don’t want to waste valuable workshop time on these tasks!

  • Confirm you have all the necessary charging cords needed for your electronics

  • Set your camera so that it will only function with a memory card installed

Again, if there is anything you’re unsure of, please just ask!